Thank you for your continued support and for choosing South Central for your child's education. We certainly feel that the latest recommendations are getting us closer to normalcy, but we'll certainly need everyone's assistance to continue to operate South Central as safely as possible. South Central Junior - Senior High School, families, and community will collaborate to prepare students for the 21st century by providing opportunities for students to practice democratic ideals, develop intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and lifelong decision making skills while striving for high levels of performance. South Central will continue to work with our students and staff to social distance, but it is important to note that close contact in a mask optional environment is still defined as being within 6 feet of a known positive individual for 15 minutes in a 24 hour period. Please remember, if you or someone in your home feels ill, please stay home. In closing, we know that positive cases are currently increasing. Additionally, please note that masks will still be required while utilizing school bus transportation as this is a Federal Requirement. Asymptomatic individuals may now return to school if they wear a mask on days 6-10. The newest requirements from the CDC, which have been adopted by the Indiana State Department of Health now recommend a 5 day quarantine period for close contacts and positive COVID cases. Though masks are optional at South Central, there are a few caveats - primarily when students return from a close contact quarantine or from a positive test. Please carefully review the Indiana State Department of Health guidance using the following link: I ndiana K-12 Guidance for Isolation and QuarantineĪs a reminder, as of this letter, South Central will continue to make the wearing of masks optional for all individuals. The purpose of this letter is to provide the most up-to-date information pertaining to positive case protocols and quarantine requirements for students/staff at South Central.